Sunday, March 18, 2012


This week has gone by in a blur and, unfortunately, I haven't been very good at taking pictures! I completed my first week of classes at PUCP! That in itself feels like an accomplishment. I got myself to and from the university on combi four days in a row and sat through more classes than I have ever sat through in one week because it was "shopping week" when we got to give classes a trial run before registering. Another big accomplishment this week: I finally made the decision and committed to being an RA next year! Not a Nobel Prize or an ultramarathon, maybe, but it feels like a successful week to me! 
Classes were: intimidating, interesting, overwhelming, intriguing, and boring all at the same time. I narrowed down my choices and know which classes I'm going to attempt to register for tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to leave for the university at 6 a.m.-- yikes! 

Thursday afternoon, I arrived home from classes and shortly after relatives began arriving for a birthday party for my Peruvian dad Ramón! We had cake and ice cream and sang "Happy Birthday" to him! My "host sister" Paige also arrived. She lived with the Vargas-Murillo's a year ago and was back for a few days to visit! It was nice meeting her and having a tour guide/trip advisor for a few days! 
The whole family celebrating the "santo" for Ramón! 
Thursday evening, Paige and I walked to Parque Kennedy to visit a native artisan market and then strolled through some other markets nearby. I bought a few little things and got some ideas for the future! Friday, after a morning run, Paige, Ignacio, and I headed to the beach to swim and relax! After dinner with the family, I headed out for my first experience of Lima nightlife with a bunch of the other IFSA students! We didn't go too crazy-- just had a drink at a bar called "El Tayta" near Parque Kennedy, but it was fun to hang out and meet some Peruvians as well! I tried a "Chilcano"-- the famous Peruvian Pisco with ginger ale and lemon! It was pretty tasty and I got to cross off one more "Peruvian to-do"! 

Saturday morning meant getting up early to head out with six other students to the port of Callao where we boarded a boat to tour the Islas Palominos! I wasn't sure if the tour would be worth the money, but it was way better than I expected! First of all, we had the most beautiful day-- there was literally not a cloud in the sky for most of it, quite unusual in Lima! We not only got to see zillions of sea lions (lobos del mar) and penguins, but as we were cruising through the islands, five or six dolphins decided to come swim alongside our boat! That was pretty incredible! The islands were beautiful-- desert-like, rocky, and almost other-worldly. If you're ever in Lima, I definitely recommend taking a day to do experience these islands! 

Sea lions, or lobos del mar, on the Islas Palominos. 
I thought the rocky islands were incredibly beautiful! They're covered in guano, which used to be one of Peru's top exports! Hooray for bird poo! 
Humboldt penguins, the only type of penguins in Peru.
I also got to meet with two NGOs this weekend: Building Dignity and Casa de Panchita. They both seem like incredible organizations, but I'm leaning towards working with Building Dignity in Villa El Salvador. I have a few ideas for projects I might do with them... more to come soon! 

I'm so excited for all of the upcoming events, trips, and fun! Next weekend, we're planning to head to Huacachina, a desert oasis, then it's Caral, Ayacucho, Huaca Pucllana, and Cusco back to back! On top of that, I'll start work with an NGO, start training for a half-marathon, and am going to be cooking for my host family in a couple weeks! It's going to be so busy and fun! I just have to squeeze in a little schoolwork too! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I wanna be studying abroad with you! haha. That's pretty cool they let you test drive the classes first!! Hopefully you get into the ones you want!!
